Business-for-Sale Sample (example) Ads

Below are a number of Ads set up for DEMONSTRATION purposes only. Below are 5 business-for-sale ads, each resenting the same business, but in 5 different ways, in 3 ad format levels. Click on any of the ad images below … to make it full size and legible.

Valu4Sale S00222  represents the business in our fullest presentation format, complete with 3rdPartyOnLine intermediation.

Valu4Sale presentation is not so quick and easy. Valu4Sale offers facilities to set out sales and earnings history over the last 5 years (or less), or last 4 years plus current year-to-date, as well as to present current value of the balance sheet, and to present a very simplistic but reasoned sale price valuation basis of balance sheet value plus goodwill value calculated on a multiple of average annual earnings, and Valu4Sale provides the potential to tell a great deal about the business without identifying the business in any manner.  A Valu4Sale Ad does take longer to gather the information and compose the Ad, but is designed to present the real material information serious buyers are actually looking for and will be attracted to. Valu4Sale is designed to provide the material information that can generate a great deal of serious and quantified buyer interest in the business, in advance of any buyer/seller exposure or contact.


Biz4Sale S00224 and S00226 represents the business in a mid-level format; S00224 with 3rdPartyOnLine and S00226 without.

Biz4Sale can be just as quick and easy, but generally will not be. Biz4Sale provides facilities to include a numeric and graphic presentation of annual sales and earnings over the last 5 years (or less), or last 4 years plus year-to-date.  Biz4Sale also provides for greater explanation of the business; … facilities to simply write in your own words, all that you may wish to say about the business at this particular time.


Ez4Sale S00223 and S00225 represents the business in our simplest format; S00223 with 3rdPartyOnLine and S00224 without.

Ez4Saleis quick and easy.  The Ez4Sale presentation can be as brief as “type of business, general location, and contact information” or can be expanded to include sale price and price components and/or to include an descriptive outline of the business-for-sale, reasons for selling, etc., but either way, Ez4Sale is still quick and easy.



CONFIDENTIALITY and NON-DISCLOSURE: 20 years brokering the sale of businesses has taught me “if you have a good business and if you can demonstrate it’s value, then certainly do so,” but take care to do so in a manner that does not prematurely identify the company to the readers. Withhold information that would name or identify the business or name the owner/seller, or locate it or describe it so specifically that someone would recognize it as being your business. Tell lots about what makes the business valuable, and nothing about “who.”



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