Below are explanations for the various fields you will be filling out when creating your EZ-for-sale ad.
*Required Field Ad Name WILL NOT be displayed in the Ad Posted.
In 30 characters or less in length, enter a short description or phase or name that you will remember and/or recognize. It will not be visible in the Ad but is intended for your convenience. Choose easy to remember key word or key words to search the website for your own Ad.
*Required Field The Headline WILL be displayed in the Ad Posted.
In 100 characters or less, enter a Headline Introduction to your Business-for-Sale. A search for a certain type of business will often produce a list of businesses introduced by Headliner only.
Example: Mechanical Contractor: $5,187,000 price includes $3,325,000 working capital and 33% seller financing
You may not have the detail ready right now to create the right Headliner. In such case, for now just Enter a place holder (such as the words “Place Holder” for example), then after you’ve completed your ad and have the info you want in your Headliner, just come back to this point and complete the Headliner.
*Required Field Advertiser Information WILL NOT be displayed in the Ad Posted.
The User’s/Member’s/Advertiser’s Profile has already been entered in User Registration and will auto-populate this section. Otherwise, simply enter Advertiser’s Contact Information here now.
This information is necessary for site administrative purposes only and WILL NOT appear anywhere in the Ad you post.
*Optional Field
If you are an Independent Seller; a business owner selling your own business, simply leave Broker detail BLANK.
If you are a Business Broker or Agent for the Seller, and if your Agency or Brokerage Contact information has already been entered during the Registration process, just click “Copy Profile” and the Broker Detail will auto-populate. Otherwise, enter the Brokerage or Agency contact information here now. You may overwrite any entry in this section.
*Required Field
If Lead Contact information has already been entered in User Registration, just click “Copy Profile” and Lead Contact will auto-populate. Otherwise, enter Lead Contact Information here now and you may overwrite whatever may be here now.
IMPORTANT Lead Contact info WILL be displayed in the Ad. If you are a Business Broker or other Selling Agent, we suspect that you will want your Contact Information disclosed, BUT, if you are the business owner/seller of the business, you probably WILL NOT want your name to appear.
Business Owner/Seller: To preserve CONFIDENTIALITY, we suggest that you complete the Lead Contact section as follows:
- Name: Rather than your name, Enter “Business Owner”
- Email: We suggest that you obtain a new email account that will not be recognized by anyone and will not identify you or the company or the business; an “” account or an “” account perhaps, just for this purpose.
- Phone: Provide a telephone(s) number no one will recognize; a new cell phone perhaps, just for this purpose.
Optional Field
If Alternate Contact information has already been entered during the Registration process, just click “Copy Profile” and Alternate Contact will auto-populate. Otherwise, enter Alternate Contact Information now and you may overwrite whatever may be here now.
If you do not intend to provide an Alternate Contact, simply leave Alternate Contact BLANK, or cause it to be BLANK.
IMPORTANT If entered or copied, Alternate Contact info will be displayed in the Ad. If you are a Business Broker or other Selling Agent, we suspect that you will want your Contact Information disclosed. BUT, if your Alternate is associated with the business, you probably DO NOT want the alternate’s name to appear.
To preserve CONFIDENTIALITY, we suggest that you complete the Alternate Contact section as follows:
- Name: Rather than the alternate’s name, Enter “Business Owner”
- Email: We suggest that you obtain a new email account that will not be recognized by anyone and will not identify the alternate, the company or the business; an “” account or an “” account perhaps, just for this purpose.
- Phone: Provide a telephone(s) number no one will recognize; a new cell phone perhaps, just for this purpose.
Optional Field identifies each business-for-sale listings with an ID such as as S-41000123, as an example.
If you are a business owner/seller who is listing your own business on, when you receive response you will obviously know “what business” assuming you will have only one business listed. Thus, you will probably have no need to enter anything here.
On the other hand, if you are a broker or other selling agent, you could have several businesses-for-sale at any given time. When you receive response you may not know “what business” unless it is identified, and the Business-Trader ID system, such as S-41000123, may not provide most immediate recognition. In such case, we suggest that you add (enter) your own unique ID for this business.
Example: If your own unique ID for this business is 1234abc, then, the extended ID will become S-41000123-1234abc
*Country and *State/Province are Required – Others are Optional
Select the Country and State or Province in which the business is located. Those two selections are required, but thereafter, neither City nor Region nor Relocatability are required.
IMPORTANT Provide the closest proximity as will be SAFE to provide BUT, if you wish to keep the business anonymous at this point, take care that you don’t define the location so closely that location on its own or in combination with other information might provide the identity of the business.
Relocatability Your business might be one that a buyer would be interested in if it could be relocated. We suggest that you indicate if and to what extent you think your business could be reasonably and successfully relocated.
*Primary Business Sector is a Required Field – Others are Optional
Many businesses will be engaged in activities within more than one business sector or sub-sector.
In such case, we suggest that you select the business sectors and sub-sectors that have been and are currently material to business sales and earnings, but suggest also that you limit selections to just those that have been material to the business so as to not overstate and over complicate the business.
Selling Price and Balance Sheet Value Fields are Optional
To incorporate Selling Price in your Ad posting, simply enter it here.
If you DO NOT wish to post your Selling Price, enter nothing into the Selling Price field, and in the Ad, Selling Price will be “Not Specified”
Selling Price is often or typically calculated on the basis of a multiple of earnings, and will often or typically consist of two value components; Balance Sheet Value and Goodwill Value.
Comment is an Optional Field.
The final entry field is a 1500 character text field where you will have pretty much free reign to, in your own words and to the extent you think appropriate, introduce the business and/or the activities of the business to potential buyers.
When you are done with the Entries, please REVIEW your Ad carefully before posting it. Of course, you may come back and edit your Ad at anytime during the period it is posted, to correct and modify. And in fact we recommend that you do keep your Ad updated and current.
At all times, IF YOU DO NOT wish the Ad posted to either directly or indirectly or inadvertently disclose the identity of your business, TAKE CARE that something you say or the combination of things you say do not do so.