Directly below is the list of the BizWanted Ad Entry Fields. Further below this list are the explanations with respect to each such Entry Field. You may click on the field name within the list to go to the explanation, or simply scroll down to the explanation manually.
*Required Field Ad Name WILL NOT be displayed in the Ad Posted.
In 30 characters or less in length, enter a short description or title that you will remember and/or recognize. It will not be visible in the Ad but is intended for your convenience. Choose easy to remember key word or key words to search the website for your own Ad.
*Required Field The Headline WILL be displayed in the Ad Posted.
In 100 characters or less, describe the Business you are looking for.
Example: Wanted: Steel Fabricator $2,000,000-$5,000,000 Price Range, 10%-15% ebitda, 20%-30% Vendor TakeBack
You may not have a Headliner in mid right now. In such case, for now just Enter a place holder (such as the words “Place Holder”), then after you’ve completed your ad, just come back to this point and summarize the Ad in 100 character or less.
*Required Field Advertiser Information WILL NOT be displayed in the Ad Posted.
The User’s/Advertiser’s Profile has already been entered during User Registration and will auto-populate this section. Otherwise, simply enter Advertiser’s Contact Information here now.
This information is necessary for site administrative purposes only and WILL NOT appear anywhere in the Ad you post.
Optional Fields If you are an Independent Buyer searching for a business to buy, leave Broker detail BLANK.
If you are a Business Broker or Buying Agent, and if your Agency or Brokerage Contact information has already been entered during the Registration process, just click “Copy Profile” and the Broker Detail will auto-populate. Otherwise, enter the Brokerage or Agency contact.
*Required Fields
If Lead Contact information has already been entered during User Registration, just click “Copy Profile” and Lead Contact will auto-populate. Otherwise, enter Lead Contact Information here now. You may overwrite whatever may be here now.
IMPORTANT Lead Contact info WILL be displayed in the Ad. If you are a Business Broker or Agent, we suspect you will want your Contact Information disclosed, BUT, if you are an independent business buyer, you MAY NOT want your name to appear, particularly if you intend to disclose detail with respect to your financial capabilities.
Business Buyer: To preserve ANONYMITY and CONFIDENTIALITY, you may want to complete the Lead Contact section as follows:
- Name: Rather than your name, Enter “Business Buyer”
- eMail: You may want to obtain a new email account that will not be recognized and will not identify you; maybe an “” account or an “” account perhaps, just for this purpose.
- Phone: You may want to provide a telephone(s) number no one will recognize; a new cell phone perhaps, just for this purpose.
Optional Fields
If Alternate Contact information has already been entered during the Registration process, just click “Copy Profile” and Alternate Contact will auto-populate. Otherwise, enter Alternate Contact Information now. You may overwrite whatever may be here now.
If you do not intend to provide an Alternate Contact, simply leave Alternate Contact BLANK, or erase what may be there.
IMPORTANT If entered or copied, Alternate Contact info will be displayed in the Ad. If you are a Business Broker or Agent, we suspect that you will want your Contact Information disclosed. BUT, if the Alternate is associated with you as a Buyer, you probably DO NOT want the alternate’s name to appear, particularly if you intend to disclose detail with respect to your financial capabilities.
To preserve ANONYMITY and CONFIDENTIALITY, you may want to complete the Alternate Contact section as follows:
- Name: Rather than your name, Enter “Alternate Buyer”
- eMail: You may want to obtain a new email account that will not be recognized and will not identify you; maybe an “” account or an “” account perhaps, just for this purpose.
- Phone: You may want to provide a telephone(s) number no one will recognize; a new cell phone perhaps, just for this purpose.
Optional Field identifies each business-wanted listing with an ID such as W-11000123, for example. If you have more than one Wanted Ad posted at at any given time, when you receive response the Business-Trader ID W-11000123, may not provide you with the most immediate recognition as to “which Wanted Ad”. In such case, we suggest that you add (enter) your own unique ID for this business.
Example: If your own unique ID for this business is 9876xyz, then, the extended ID will become W-11000123-9876xyz
Optional Field
There are two business sale structure options; Asset Sale or Share Sale. If you have a very strong preference; a requirement; select it here now.
Otherwise … If you don’t have a “must” or don’t know which to select, or just simply prefer not to specify at this time, then don’t have to select either. Simply leave the selector on “select one.”
Briefly however, for your information …
In a Share Sale you would “Purchase the Shares of Capital Stock of a Corporation.” If the business HAS NOT been legally incorporated, there will be no such Shares to sell or purchase and the sale will be by default an Asset Sale.
So, whether it is to be a Share Sale or an Asset Sale is really only a question when the business is a Corporation.
Share Sale means to sell the corporate entity itself complete with its balance sheet, which will account for every tangible thing the corporation owns and owes at the time of the sale. The owners of the corporation are the shareholders and in a Share Sale the buyer is simply buying out the shareholder(s) while the corporation remains intact and in position to continue its business activities without change, except it will be operating under new shareholder ownership.
Asset Sale means the corporate entity or other entity, or person(s) who own the assets, will be selling the assets of the business to the buyer.
There can be good reason behind either structure; generally tax reasons, and if you are unfamiliar with the issues surrounding this decision, we suggest that you make no decision at this time and that you seek advice of a qualified tax accountant.
For more information click here
*Country is Required Others are Optional
Select the Country in which you wish the business to be located. Country is required, but thereafter, neither State, nor Province, nor City nor Region, nor Relocatability is required. But, we suggest you narrow the location to that actually important to you.
Relocatability Would you be open to a business that could be relocated into your preferred location?
*Primary Business Sector is a Required Field Others are Optional
Some Business Buyers will be interested in more than one Business Sector and/or sub-sector and others will have a very specific search. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary selectors allow for 1 to 3 board search criteria, beneath which are 3 groups of up to 3 sub-sector levels. The deeper into these sub-sector levels, the more specific the search.
Optional Field
Simply describe those things that will be important to you in a Company you would buy.
Optional Field
If there are particular types of business that will NOT be of interest to you, we suggest that you name or describe them here.
*Required Fields
Simply enter the Minimum and Maximum of the Purchase Price Range of the business you are seeking.
Optional Fields
Simply enter the Minimum and Maximum of the Sales Revenue Range of the business you are seeking.
Optional Fields
Simply enter the Minimum and Maximum of the Earnings Revenue Range of the business you are seeking.
Optional Fields
Simply enter the amount of Cash you would intend to invest, the amount of Vendor Take Back you would expect them to carry, and the amount of Bank Financing you would intend to employ. If those three elements do not encompass the entire Purchase Price, you should be prepared to further explain your Payment Terms in the Financial Comment section to come
If you leave the Terms of Payment fields BLANK, the Terms of Payment will NOT be present in the Ad you Post.
Optional Field
We suggest that you describe your business background so as to help a business owner/seller see a fit (or lack thereof) of you with your background and the business-for-sale.
Optional Field
If you wish to add comment with respect to your financial intentions or capabilities, this section provides you with pretty much free reign to write what you would like the reader to know and understand.
Optional Fields
The Buyer’s financial disclosures will be to many Sellers the same as the Business’s financial disclosures to a Buyer.
If your Net Worth Statement is provided in your Ad, it will potentially have as much or more to say to a Seller about your suitability as the Buyer for the Business, than most that you may otherwise have to say, in much the same way as how the financial information of the business will to you as a Buyer.
Optional Field
If you wish to add comment with respect to your Net Worth Statement, this section provides you with pretty much free reign to write what you would like the reader to know and understand.
Optional Field
In this section you may want to introduce the business to its potential buyers. If keeping YOUR IDENTITY CONFIDENTIAL is important to you (which will probably depend on how much CONFIDENTIAL information you intend to disclose in your Ad), take care not to say what might inadvertently identify you.
When you are done with the Entries, please REVIEW your Ad carefully before posting it.
Of course, you may Login again and edit your Ad at anytime during the period it is posted, to correct and modify. And in fact we recommend that you do keep your Ad updated and current.
At all times, IF YOU DO NOT wish the Ad posted to disclose your identity, TAKE CARE not to do so.